The Fédération des Femmes du Québec (FFQ) has worked to promote democracy and citizenship with an intersectional feminist approach. Our various positions on electoral reform clearly demonstrate how significant this issue is for FFQ members.

Advocacy for Proportional Representation in Quebec

We advocate for proportional representation in Quebec that accurately reflects popular will, promotes gender equality, embodies Quebec’s diversity, ensures equal representation in the National Assembly, and acknowledges the importance of Indigenous and regional issues.

We have also supported the Mouvement pour une démocratie nouvelle (MDN) in their efforts to secure a voting system aligned with these principles.

Monitoring the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act

In 2016, we closely monitored developments concerning the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act and proposed measures to safeguard the right of association and freedom of expression.

Please Note: The definitive text of our Stances is available in French only. The English translation is provided strictly for reference.