March 8: International Women’s Rights Day

For the Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ), March 8 isn’t just another date on the calendar. It’s a significant day, marking our collective victories, struggles, and aspirations as feminists and women. It’s a day for reflection, dialogue, mutual encouragement, mobilization, and direct advocacy to our elected representatives.

Beyond the symbolic, March 8 isn’t about fleeting discounts or flowery gestures. In a climate where conservative ideologies challenge our hard-won rights, this day amplifies our unity, reinforces our bonds, and loudly articulates our unwavering demands.

Each year, in partnership with the March 8th Collective (Collectif 8 mars) – a consortium representing over 800,000 women – we champion a theme that resonates throughout Quebec. Our joint effort underscores a vital message: the fight for gender equality and women’s rights is unyielding. We persist against all manifestations of discrimination, inequality, and injustice. In unity, our potency grows. With our collective voice, transformative change is within reach.

Join us every March 8. We don’t just celebrate our past successes; we steadfastly pledge to forge ahead in our mission for a world where every woman experiences genuine equity.

March 8, 2024 : Rising up

Fires are rising inside, outside, and everywhere. Inequality is everywhere. Violence is everywhere. Crises are everywhere. The climate crisis, the housing crisis, the crisis of our public services, the crisis of trust in our systems. Our systems are failing, outdated, and exhausted. We, too, are close to a breaking point. We are angry. Sometimes we are afraid. Yes, our fire could be extinguished, suppressed by our pain and our tears. But no. It is flaming, scorching, spreading. It is feeding off the struggles of some and the indignation of others. It is rising, seething, roaring. It will explode. It is already exploding, this fire that can heal us, that can unite us. This fire that can change everything.

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